Who are Progurt Probiotic Sachets recommended for?

Progurt Probiotic Sachets and made-up Progurt is recommended for everyone who wishes to take a convenient, powerful, probiotic to aid digestive health & rebalance gut flora.

Are Progurt Probiotic Sachets safe for vegans & do they contain any dairy?

Yes, the Sachets are safe for vegans. No dairy is contained.

Can children take Progurt Probiotic Sachets?

Yes, Progurt Probiotic Sachets are suitable for use by children 12 months and over. For those under 12 months, we recommend the mother to consume and the child to receive the benefits through natural breastfeeding.

Can I take Progurt Probiotic Sachets if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

Yes, Progurt Probiotic Sachets can be consumed before and during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding.

How do I take Progurt Probiotic Sachets?

For adults & children from 12 months: 1 Sachet dispersed in water or freshly pressed juice. Mix well. Use entire contents of Sachet immediately after opening. Store at room temperature.

How many Progurt Probiotic Sachets should I take?

Consume 1 full Progurt Probiotic Sachet per serve.

How often should I take Progurt Probiotic Sachets?

For adults & children from 12 months: 1 Probiotic Sachet dispersed in water or freshly pressed juice per day, week, or as required.

Do I have to use one entire Probiotic Sachet per serve?

Yes, use the entire contents of 1 Progurt Probiotic Sachet per serve. Use contents immediately after opening Sachet.

When should I take Progurt Probiotic Sachets?

Consume each Progurt Probiotic Sachet at least a half-hour away from food and any medications, or in the morning on an empty stomach.

What strains are in Progurt Probiotic Sachets?

Human Probiotic Isolates™ (HPI) of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacteria including beneficial strains of Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Bifidus and S. Thermophilus.

How were the strains in Progurt Probiotic Sachets sourced?

The divine gift of nature resides within each of us. A baby born and nurtured naturally is protected by this gift of life. A small selection of these living microorganisms were discovered and isolated. This is the essence and nature of each Sachet.

What are Human Probiotic Isolates (HPI)?

HPI are probiotic strains identical to those found in a healthy human gut from birth, unlike other probiotics that contain animal and plant strains. They consist of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacteria including beneficial strains of Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Bifidus and S. Thermophilus.

Scientific Studies & Clinical Trials?

Current laws under FSANZ, FDA and EFSA prevent publication of clinical studies supporting probiotic strain health claims.

Do I have to keep Progurt Probiotic Sachets in the fridge?

No, they are room temperature safe. They are safe to carry with you when travelling, both domestically and internationally.

How long do Progurt Probiotic Sachets last?

Each Sachet Pack has a 2 year shelf life. Please see Best Before date.

Are there any negative side effects?

No, there are no known negative side effects.

Can Progurt Probiotic Sachets be taken with other medication?

Please take Progurt Probiotic Sachets at least 2 hours away from pharmaceutical medications.

How long can I stay on Progurt Probiotic Sachets?

Progurt Probiotic Sachets can be taken for as long as required. If symptoms persist please consult your Healthcare Professional.

What type of milk should I use to make Probiotic Yogurt?

Use only Ultra Heat Treated (UHT) Full Cream Dairy Milk at room temperature. UHT Dairy Milk is also termed Ultra Pasteurized or Long Life. Full Cream Dairy Milk is also termed Whole Milk. UHT Dairy Milk is a sterile foundation for the Progurt starter culture to grow. Progurt must be made with sterile dairy milk, so if you don’t have UHT Dairy Milk you must boil your milk first. Ensure milk as at room temperature before you begin making Progurt. It is recommended that you choose the highest quality milk available. You can use both Cows Milk and Goats Milk.

Can I make fresh Probiotic Yogurt, using already-made Probiotic Yogurt as the starter culture?

No. Fresh Progurt cannot be made using already-made Progurt as a starter culture. The strains of bacteria contained in Progurt are indigenous to the human gastro-intestinal tract and will not replicate.

Can I use Skim Milk or Lite Milk?

No. You cannot use Skim Milk or Lite Milk. UHT/Long Life/Ultra Pasteurized Full Cream Milk at room temperature is the only type of milk that can be used when making Progurt.

Can I use Soy Milk?

Yes. You can use soy milk. We recommend the BonSoy brand.

Can I add Probiotic Yogurt to other foods?

Yes. Progurt can be added to muesli, fresh and frozen fruit and as dip for vegetables. Do not add to hot foods, as the bacteria will die, if subjected to high temperatures.

Can I consume Probiotic Yogurt warm?

Yes. You may consume it fresh from the Progurt Incubator, but not artificially heated, such as in a microwave, as the bacteria will die if subjected to microwaves or high temperatures.

Can I add sweeteners?

Yes. Only natural sweeteners are recommended. Such as 100% pure Maple Syrup, Organic Honey, Fresh Fruit or Progurt's Prebiotic.

How is Probiotic Yogurt different from other Probiotics?

It is the specific types and amount of probiotic strains that make Progurt different from other probiotics. The strains of bacteria contained in Progurt are of human origin, unlike most probiotics, which are of bovine or animal origin.

How long will Probiotic Yogurt last refrigerated?

Progurt will stay fresh for up to 14 days refrigerated, however it is best consumed within 7 days of its incubation in order to receive maximum benefits from the probiotic bacteria.

Do you offer a warranty on the Progurt Incubator?

Yes. We offer a 5 year guarantee against faulty material and manufacture.

Are there any artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added to Probiotic Yogurt?

No. There are absolutely no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives in Progurt.

Can Probiotic Yogurt be frozen?

No. Neither the Progurt Sachets nor Progurt can be frozen. The Progurt bacteria will die if subjected to freezing temperatures.

What does Probiotic Yogurt taste like?

Progurt tastes like a gourmet style Yogurt. It has a very soft, mild taste but is dependent on the milk being used and the incubation time. You can control the taste through Incubation time, from mild to tart.

What is the clear fluid that sometimes appears at the top of Probiotic Yogurt?

The clear fluid that sometimes appears at the top of Progurt is Whey. This is a normal consequence of fermentation. Simply stir the contents to re-mix the Whey.

Where can I buy Progurt products?

Progurt can be purchased through Health Care Professionals, pharmacists, selected health food stores or through the Progurt Online Store from anywhere in the world. Delivery is within 1 - 7 days of purchase.

Can I eat other yoghurt at the same time as Probiotic Yogurt?

Yes. But it is not recommended. Probiotic bacteria compete with one another and it is best to allow the strains of beneficial bacteria found in Progurt to colonize with minimal competition from other sources.

What is the difference between Probiotic Yogurt and Yogurt?

Both Progurt and yogurt are cultured dairy products made from milk fermented with live bacteria. Yogurt is made with strains of bacteria indigenous to the bovine gastro-intestinal tract. Progurt is unique because of its formulation and contains strains of probiotic bacteria indigenous to the human gastro-intestinal tract.

Can I eat Probiotic Yogurt if I am Lactose Intolerant?

Yes. If you are Lactose Intolerant, you can still consume Progurt. Whatever Lactose that is in the milk pre-incubation is converted to simpler sugars (Glucose and Galactose) by the Progurt Bacteria during incubation.

Can I eat Probiotic Yogurt if am taking Antibiotics?

Yes. If you are taking antibiotics, you can still safely consume Progurt. It is recommended to wait at least 2 hours after taking the antibiotic, before you begin consuming Progurt.

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